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Microlearning for Staff Training in Hospitality Industry

Daniil Klubov Founder & Ceo of spoon.tech
Audri Adhyas Paul
August 24, 2023
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Restaurant Customer Service Training

The hospitality industry, with its ever-changing demands and fast-paced environment, relies heavily on the competence and efficiency of its staff. However, traditional staff training methods often struggle to keep up with the dynamic nature of this sector. Enter microlearning, a revolutionary approach that has been gaining momentum in recent years. Microlearning's ability to deliver small, focused bursts of information is tailor-made to address the unique challenges of staff training in the hospitality industry.


Understanding Microlearning in the Context of Hospitality Staff Training  

Microlearning, at its core, revolves around delivering bite-sized pieces of content that can be consumed in short spans of time.

This approach is a stark departure from the conventional one-size-fits-all training sessions that have been prevalent in the hospitality sector. In a fast-paced industry where staff members are constantly on the move, microlearning provides a flexible solution that aligns seamlessly with their schedules.  

Moreover, the emergence of platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts is significantly shaping content consumption habits, especially among the Gen Z demographic, who compose the majority of the people working in hospitality. This generation's preference for short, visually engaging content has paved the way for microlearning's effectiveness. Microlearning modules, often designed as brief videos or interactive quizzes, mirror the format of these popular platforms, fostering engagement and resonating with the learning habits of modern staff members.

A survey conducted by the Brandon Hall Group indicates that the pandemic has led to a staggering 40% increase in the adoption of microlearning.

As the hospitality industry adapted to changing circumstances, microlearning is emerging as a go-to solution due to its accessibility and ability to provide on-the-go training. The hospitality industry thrives on the concept of providing seamless customer experiences. Microlearning mirrors this principle by offering seamless, easily digestible content that empowers staff members to absorb vital information without being overwhelmed. These microlearning modules are typically concise videos, interactive quizzes, infographics, or short texts, each focusing on a single learning objective.  


The Benefits of Microlearning for Staff Training

The impact of microlearning on staff training within the hospitality industry cannot be overstated.  


One of its greatest advantages is its ability to enhance information retention.

The concept of the "Forgetting Curve," pioneered by psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, reveals a critical insight into traditional training methods. Within just 20 minutes of receiving new information, individuals forget more than 50% of what they've learned. Without reinforcement, retention rates continue to decline significantly. Microlearning addresses this challenge by delivering short, targeted content that can be consumed within minutes. This approach combats the forgetting curve by providing timely reinforcement, resulting in higher retention rates.

In fact, a study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) found that microlearning can increase retention rates by up to 20%.

Microlearning employs a technique called spaced repetition, where learners are exposed to the same content multiple times, reinforcing their memory and improving long-term retention. This is a powerful tool for the hospitality industry, where staff members need to quickly recall details under pressure.  


Moreover, microlearning capitalizes on the psychology of engagement. Traditional training sessions can lead to information overload and disengagement. In contrast, microlearning's short and focused content keeps learners engaged, making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective.

According to a study by the Brandon Hall Group, organizations using microlearning have reported a 50% increase in employee engagement. This engagement translates into higher knowledge retention rates and increased motivation among staff members.


Another key benefit of microlearning is its flexibility. In the hospitality industry, staff members often work irregular hours and shifts. According to Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn Learning, a substantial 63% of Millennials and 58% of Gen Z-ers express a desire to learn new skills. However, they often feel constrained by time limitations. This is where microlearning steps in as a solution, offering easily consumable modules that fit neatly into busy schedules. Microlearning allows them to access training modules at their convenience, whether it's during a break or before their shift begins.

The Brandon Hall study also revealed that microlearning can significantly reduce training time—by up to 60%—while still achieving the same learning outcomes as traditional training methods.

This flexibility ensures that learning doesn't interfere with their work responsibilities, resulting in a win-win situation for both the staff and the establishment.

Targeted Content

Lastly, microlearning enables the creation of targeted training content. The hospitality industry encompasses a range of roles, from front-of-house staff to kitchen personnel, each requiring specific skills and knowledge. Microlearning modules can be tailored to address the unique demands of each role, ensuring that staff members receive training that directly aligns with their responsibilities.


Designing Effective Microlearning Modules for Hospitality Staff

Creating effective microlearning modules requires a thoughtful approach. Each module should have a clear learning objective that is concise and achievable within a short timeframe. For instance, a module might focus on the proper way to greet guests or the steps to ensure food safety in the kitchen. By narrowing down the learning goals, microlearning modules deliver information in a targeted manner, making it easier for staff to grasp and apply.

The format of the microlearning content is equally important. Visual elements such as videos and infographics can enhance understanding and retention, especially in a visual and hands-on industry like hospitality. Interactive quizzes can gamify the learning experience, encouraging healthy competition and reinforcing key concepts. The goal is to strike a balance between informative and engaging content. We at spoon.tech, are offering a dynamic approach that takes the hassle out of designing engaging content.

spoon.tech divides existing training materials into "scoops," bite-sized microlearning modules that empower employees to learn crucial information in just a matter of minutes.

Each "scoop" crafted by spoon.tech is a carefully curated package that encompasses various learning elements. The inclusion of short TikTok-style videos and images instantly captures learners' attention, making the content visually engaging. Additionally, the interactive steps-to-follow section, reminiscent of a recipe card, provides a hands-on experience for learners. By clicking on each card, employees can access detailed information, including ingredient quantities and step-by-step instructions.

One of the standout features of spoon.tech is its gamified exercises that foster active learning. Quizzes, true/false questions, identifying missing elements, and arranging steps in the right order transform the learning process into an engaging game. This gamification not only enhances information retention but also adds an element of fun and competition, motivating staff members to actively participate.

What makes spoon.tech truly revolutionary is its user-friendly web application. This intuitive platform simplifies the creation of microlearning modules, eliminating the need for managers to dedicate extensive time and effort to the process. spoon.tech's solution comes with pre-existing materials, a vast library of visuals that represent various ingredients and steps, and an AI-powered element that automatically transforms text-based content into interactive quizzes. This seamless integration of technology streamlines the creation process, making it efficient and accessible for all levels of users.


Implementing Microlearning in Hospitality Staff Training with spoon.tech

Incorporating spoon.tech's solution into your hospitality staff training program is a strategic move that can yield impressive results. Here's how to seamlessly integrate spoon.tech into your training strategy:

Step 1: Assess Training Needs

Begin by evaluating your existing training materials and identifying sections that can be transformed into bite-sized modules, or "scoops," suitable for microlearning. Understand the specific training requirements of your staff to ensure the microlearning content aligns with their needs.

Step 2: Enhance Visual Engagement

Elevate the visual appeal of your microlearning modules by leveraging spoon.tech's extensive library of visuals, including captivating images and engaging TikTok-style videos. Utilize these visual elements to capture learners' attention and create an immersive learning experience.

Step 3: Foster Interactive Learning

Utilize spoon.tech's interactive steps-to-follow section to facilitate hands-on learning experiences. This feature allows learners to actively engage with the content, reinforcing practical knowledge retention.

Step 4: Infuse Gamification

Implement spoon.tech's gamified exercises, such as quizzes, true/false questions, and arranging steps in the correct order. Transform the learning process into an exciting journey that motivates staff members through elements of competition and engagement.

Step 5: Maximize Time Efficiency

Harness the power of spoon.tech's AI-driven capabilities to swiftly convert text-based content into interactive quizzes. Expedite the content creation process while ensuring that the microlearning modules remain engaging and impactful.

By incorporating spoon.tech's solution, hospitality establishments can elevate their training programs and ensure that staff members are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need in a manner that's engaging, efficient, and tailored to the preferences of modern learners.


  1. Engaging Modern Learners

Keeping the attention of modern learners, particularly Gen Z employees who are accustomed to short-form content, can be challenging. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have shaped the content consumption habits of Gen Z and younger workers. The challenge lies in translating this preference for short, visually engaging content into effective microlearning modules that capture and retain learners' attention. spoon.tech’s microlearning and gamification elements are designed to compete with social media apps and turn training into a fun and engaging activity from a mundane chore.

  1. Efficient Content Creation

Creating effective microlearning contents demands efficiency. The time-consuming nature of content creation can be a roadblock, especially for managers already balancing multiple responsibilities. Tools like spoon.tech can help to transform existing materials into engaging microlearning content without imposing additional burdens on their time. It could still take some time investment, and for that, consider engaging an enthusiastic and tech-savvy employee who will be interested in creating the contents and will not have technical difficulties due to familiarity with similar software.  

  1. Overcoming Resistance

Change is often met with resistance due to unfamiliarity or perceived disruptions. Adapting to a new technological platform like spoon.tech can be challenging, especially if staff members are not accustomed to using digital tools for training. The transition can be met with hesitation, particularly if staff members are not tech-savvy. Convincing staff members of the advantages of microlearning, backed by tangible examples and the ease of usage, helps overcome resistance and encourage adoption.

  1. Measuring Effectiveness

Evaluating the impact of microlearning requires measuring employee engagement, knowledge retention, and other key performance indicators. This can be challenging without effective assessment tools. Traditional training assessment methods might not translate seamlessly to the microlearning context. Employing spoon.tech's gamified quizzes and tracking features addresses this challenge by offering engaging evaluation mechanisms.

Microlearning is a game-changer in the hospitality industry's quest for effective staff training. By delivering targeted, bite-sized content that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, microlearning aligns perfectly with the demands of the fast-paced hospitality sector. As establishments continue to prioritize exceptional guest experiences, microlearning's small steps are undeniably making a big impact on staff training, revolutionizing the industry one module at a time.


If you found this blog helpful and want to unleash the power of microlearning to benefit your staff, get in touch with us by filling out this contact form. You can also call us at (+43 670 655 56 82) or email us at hello@spoon.tech.

Daniil Klubov Founder & Ceo of spoon.tech
Audri Adhyas Paul

Hi, I'm Audri, a Master's student in Digital Economy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, and an enthusiast of the food and hospitality sector. Digital transformation in the hospitality sector is an intersection of my practice and passion, and I love to write on that topic. Let's connect on LinkedIn to chat more!

Audri Adhyas Paul

Hi, I'm Audri, a Master's student in Digital Economy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, and an enthusiast of the food and hospitality sector. Digital transformation in the hospitality sector is an intersection of my practice and passion, and I love to write on that topic. Let's connect on LinkedIn to chat more!

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