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New Year, New Restaurant Training: 4 Tips for 2024

Daniil Klubov Founder & Ceo of spoon.tech
Audri Adhyas Paul
January 21, 2024
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Restaurant Customer Service Training

As the calendar turns to a new year, many of us look to turn a new page in life – in the form of resolutions: joining the gym, losing a bunch of weight, learning a new skill, (finally) quitting that job, and many more. However, statistics show that a significant percentage of these resolutions fall within a couple of months, if not sooner. Surprisingly, a similar challenge can be observed in the realm of restaurant training – a crucial aspect of the hospitality industry that often sees incomplete or ineffective implementation.  

While "new year, new me" may be a cliché for personal resolutions, for restaurant training, it's an opportunity to break free from the shackles of past inadequacies and embark on a transformative journey toward more effective, engaging, and tech-savvy employee development. In this blog post, we unravel 4 key tips to revamp the restaurant industry's approach to training in 2024 – an acknowledgment of the past, a commitment to meaningful goals, an infusion of enjoyment into the learning process, and a wholehearted embrace of the technological innovations that define the dawn of 2024. Join us as we unravel the secrets to making 2024 a year of triumph for your restaurant training endeavors.

1. Learn from the Past  

While the “New Year, New Me” mindset can be great way to start fresh, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t forget and take lessons from the past. Reflecting on past experiences, both successes and failures, can provide invaluable insights that shape the trajectory of future training initiatives.    

The first step in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your existing training programs is simply asking your employees. Conduct surveys, hold focus group discussions, or simply have one-on-one conversations with employees. Ask them what worked, what they liked, what they think could be done better. Their firsthand experiences can reveal aspects of the training process that were particularly effective or areas that left them feeling unprepared.  

If your restaurant utilizes digital training platforms or Learning Management Systems (LMS), dive into the analytics. Examine completion rates, the time taken to complete modules, and any patterns in the data. Look for trends such as certain topics that employees consistently struggle with or modules that are frequently left incomplete. This data-driven approach allows you to pinpoint specific areas for improvement, guiding you in creating targeted and impactful training content.

Based on these insights, you can identify areas where you can improve your training. It can be the onboarding process, training topics, contents, training delivery methods, application of training into real life – anything. By identifying these scopes for improvement, you lay the groundwork for a more tailored and effective training curriculum in the coming year.


2. Make New Year’s Resolutions, but Make them Count

The tradition of making New Year's resolutions often comes with good intentions, but all too often, these goals fail within the first two months of the new year. Similarly, your restaurant training can end in lackluster results despite setting ambitious goals in the beginning of the year.  

To ensure that your training resolutions don't fizzle out, make your goals SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Avoid vague and generic statement for goals such as “improve menu knowledge”. Clearly define what you want to achieve, establish metrics to track progress and set a deadline. A SMART goal can look like this: "80% of staff passing a menu knowledge assessment by the end of the second quarter."  

Ensure that your goals are realistic and attainable. While it's admirable to aim high, setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration. Consider the capabilities of your team and the resources available.

According to LinkedIn's Workplace Learning Report, most Learning and Development (L&D) professionals fall into the trap of relying on vanity metrics. Vanity metrics, such as the number of training hours completed or the sheer volume of content consumed, may not necessarily correlate with real learning outcomes.  

Instead, focus on metrics that truly matter to the success of your training initiatives.

Digital tools like spoon.tech help you to measure what matters, by allowing you to track employee progress, completion rates, and other relevant metrics.

By focusing on data that directly reflects the impact of training on job performance, you can make informed decisions and continually refine your training strategy.


3. Make it Fun for the Employees  

Employee training is often viewed as a necessary but dull task, with traditional methods like lengthy manuals and monotonous lectures contributing to boredom and disengagement. However, in 2024, the paradigm is shifting towards making training an enjoyable and interactive experience.  

One of the most effective ways to make training enjoyable is through the incorporation of gamification and microlearning. Gamification involves integrating game-like elements, such as rewards, challenges, and competition, into the training process. By turning training into a game, employees are more likely to actively participate and retain what they've learned. Quizzes, challenges, and interactive scenarios not only make learning enjoyable but also create a sense of accomplishment as employees progress through the training journey. The competitive aspect of gamification can foster a positive team spirit.  

Microlearning, on the other hand, breaks down training content into small, easily digestible modules. The flexibility offered by microlearning ensures that the learning process remains convenient and adaptable to individual preferences.

spoon.tech infuses fun in training by offering bite-sized modules that are visually appealing and interactive. The platform also utilizes gamification techniques to create an immersive learning experience.

Employees can engage with training materials through games like quizzes, true-false challenges, and activities that identify missing elements. This not only breaks the monotony but also transforms learning into a fun and interactive process.  

The adage "learning by doing" takes on a new dimension when training becomes a game. Employees can learn valuable skills while enjoying the process, turning what might be considered a chore into an opportunity for personal and professional development.  

spoon.tech's gamified approach to training is not just about making the process enjoyable; it's about ensuring that the knowledge acquired is retained and applied in real-world scenarios. By combining entertainment with education, you create a positive learning environment that resonates with your team.


4. Technology is Your Friend  

The year 2023 witnessed remarkable strides in various technological domains, with Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and enhanced digital tools making a significant impact. In 2024, this trend is expected to continue, offering new opportunities for restaurant operators to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of their training initiatives.  

AI is at the forefront of the tech revolution, and its applications in restaurant training are multifaceted, such as personalized learning paths, predictive analytics for employee performance, and adaptive learning modules tailored to individual needs.

spoon.tech, in particular, utilizes AI to save significant time and resources in the creation of training content. This AI transforms conventional word-based manuals into engaging and interactive training materials.

From quizzes to true-false questions, the AI-driven capabilities enhance the overall training experience, making it more dynamic and enjoyable for employees.

The digital transformation of restaurant training goes beyond AI, encompassing a range of tools and platforms designed to enhance the learning experience. Investing in user-friendly, digital training platforms allows you to centralize training materials, track progress, and access real-time analytics. These platforms streamline the training process, making it more efficient and adaptable to the dynamic nature of the restaurant industry.

As the use of smartphones continues to rise, adopting mobile learning solutions becomes increasingly relevant. Mobile-friendly training materials enable employees to access content on the go, fitting seamlessly into their busy schedules. This flexibility ensures that training remains accessible and convenient.

The technological landscape of 2024 presents a wealth of opportunities for restaurant operators looking to revolutionize their training programs. From the transformative capabilities of AI to the user-friendly features of digital training platforms, technology is not just a tool but a strategic partner in achieving training excellence.


As we step into 2024, let's break the cycle of incomplete resolutions and ineffective restaurant training programs. Learning from the past, setting meaningful goals, infusing fun into training, and embracing technology can pave the way for a successful year in the hospitality industry.

By leveraging tools like spoon.tech, restaurant operators can not only streamline their training processes but also foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, let's make 2024 the year of transformative restaurant training – where every employee is empowered to succeed, and every training program is a resounding success. Cheers to a new year and a new era of culinary excellence!

If you found that blog helpful and want to revamp your restaurant’s training in 2024, get in touch with us by filling out this contact form. You can also e-mail us at hello@spoon.tech or call us at +43 670 655 56 82.  

Daniil Klubov Founder & Ceo of spoon.tech
Audri Adhyas Paul

Hi, I'm Audri, a Master's student in Digital Economy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, and an enthusiast of the food and hospitality sector. Digital transformation in the hospitality sector is an intersection of my practice and passion, and I love to write on that topic. Let's connect on LinkedIn to chat more!

Audri Adhyas Paul

Hi, I'm Audri, a Master's student in Digital Economy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, and an enthusiast of the food and hospitality sector. Digital transformation in the hospitality sector is an intersection of my practice and passion, and I love to write on that topic. Let's connect on LinkedIn to chat more!

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