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7 Considerations for Training Employees in QSR Franchises

Daniil Klubov Founder & Ceo of spoon.tech
Audri Adhyas Paul
January 29, 2024
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Restaurant Customer Service Training

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a Quick Service Restaurant (QSR)? Perhaps its streamlined ordering with self-service kiosks and queues of McDonald’s or Burger King. Or maybe you think of the same familiar taste and service wherever you go. Behind this highly disciplined, streamlined and consistent environment, lies a meticulously orchestrated system, and at its core are the unsung heroes – the employees. In the bustling world of QSRs, the success of a franchise hinges on how well trained its employees are. With a high turnover rate, ever-evolving industry dynamics, and the need to adapt to local preferences, creating a comprehensive training strategy is no small feat. In this guide, we delve into crucial considerations for QSR franchise operators aiming to elevate their employee training and ensure consistency, efficiency, and adaptability across locations.


1. Consistency Across Locations

Customers of QSR chains expect the same quality of service and products, regardless of where they choose to dine. Maintaining this consistency of brand experience across different franchise locations is important but challenging for many QSR operators. To achieve this consistency, standardization is key.

From food preparation methods to customer service protocols, having a set of well-defined standards ensures that every employee, regardless of location, is trained to meet the same expectations. This not only helps in delivering a uniform brand experience but also streamlines training content creation and delivery.  

Utilizing training manuals, videos, and interactive modules can be effective tools in disseminating standardized information. These resources serve as a reference for employees, providing them with a consistent source of information. Additionally, regular audits and evaluations across different locations can identify any deviations from the established standards.  

Technology can play a pivotal role in achieving consistency. Digital learning platforms enable QSR franchises to deliver standardized training content to employees regardless of their location. Interactive modules can simulate real-world scenarios, ensuring that employees are not just memorizing information but applying it in practical situations.  

Maintaining consistency across locations not only enhances the customer experience but also contributes to operational efficiency. When every staff member follows the same procedures, it becomes easier to manage workflows, resolve issues, and maintain a cohesive brand identity. This is particularly crucial for QSR franchises looking to build a strong and recognizable brand presence in competitive markets.


2. High Turnover Rate and Quick Onboarding

The QSR industry is notorious for its high turnover rate. With new team members constantly joining the ranks, QSR franchises must develop strategies for quick onboarding without compromising the quality of training.  

Acknowledging the fast-paced nature of QSR operations, franchise owners need to streamline their onboarding processes for swift integration of new hires.

To shorten the onboarding time without sacrificing essential training components, combining microlearning and gamification may be the way to go. With microlearning, you can divide the comprehensive training contents into bite-sized, easily digestible modules that employees can learn in minutes. You can get creative and incorporate modern formats such as 1-minute TikTok style videos into these modules. The learning can be further reinforced by introducing gamification elements such as interactive quizzes, True-false questions, sequence games. Young employees are familiar with these formats and these can heavily expedite the learning process.

Manuals, videos, and easily accessible digital content can serve as quick references, allowing new hires to reinforce their learning outside of formal training sessions. This approach not only aids in faster onboarding but also contributes to ongoing learning as employees can revisit materials as needed.  

Embracing technology facilitates on-the-go learning, which is especially beneficial in an industry where staff members may have varied schedules. Mobile-friendly training platforms, apps, and microlearning modules such as spoon.tech enable employees to access training materials at their convenience. This flexibility is crucial for accommodating the diverse schedules of QSR staff, making it easier for them to engage with training content during breaks or downtime.  

Successfully addressing the high turnover challenge through quick onboarding not only minimizes disruptions in service but also contributes to employee satisfaction. When new hires feel confident and equipped with the necessary skills from the start, they are more likely to adapt quickly and become valuable contributors to the team.  

3. Fast-Changing Environment and Ease of Content Upgrades


The QSR industry is ever evolving. Here, adaptability is not just desirable, but necessary. Rapid changes in consumer preferences, market trends, and industry regulations necessitate a training strategy that can keep pace with the dynamic nature of the business.  

Whether it's the introduction of new menu items, adjustments to food preparation methods, or the adoption of new technology for order processing, QSR franchises must ensure two things about their training strategy:  

  1. The contents can be easily updated to reflect the dynamic changes
  1. All the employees are fully aware of these changes and updates  

To enable swift content updates, QSR franchises need to come out of traditional, paper-based long training manuals and leverage technology and digital content formats. If you have physical training manuals, you must reprint them every time a process is changed or a new one is introduced. This can be costly, and if you skip it, there will be confusion among employees when they refer to outdated manuals. Digital and cloud-based platforms make it easy to update contents and disseminate those updates across all locations simultaneously, avoiding delays in implementing changes.  

The next step is to communicate the changes to employees, otherwise there will be widespread confusion. Currently, such changes are communicated via employee chat groups on platforms like Messenger or WhatsApp. With this, there is a risk that the messages can get lost in the myriad of other messages, and therefore forgotten. Digital learning platforms can solve this issue.

For instance, on spoon.tech, you can easily update an old module or create a new one and instantly notify the employees on the app. Employees can then go to the app and learn the changes instantly. You can also share links to the updated modules on your employee chat groups, if that is something the employees are more comfortable with. But this way, the updated modules are always available on the platform and employees can refer to them anytime, eliminating any confusion.  

Successfully navigating the fast-paced QSR environment requires a proactive approach to training that anticipates and embraces change. By fostering adaptability and utilizing technology, QSR franchises can empower their employees to excel in a dynamic industry where staying ahead is the key to sustained success.


4. Scalability as the Business Expands

Expanding a QSR franchise introduces new challenges in terms of training scalability. The sheer volume of new employees, often dispersed across different geographical locations, can strain existing training resources. Ensuring that every employee, whether in the first or tenth location, receives the same level of comprehensive training is essential for upholding brand standards and customer expectations.

Scalable training solutions are the ones that are designed to accommodate the growing needs of a franchise without sacrificing quality. Online training platforms, centralized learning management systems (LMS), and digital resources provide a standardized and easily accessible means of delivering training content to a large and dispersed workforce.  

Establishing a dedicated training team or coordinator responsible for overseeing the scalability of training programsd can be helpful. This team can ensure that the core values and operational procedures are consistently communicated to new hires.  

Scalability is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and improvement. Regularly reviewing training outcomes, soliciting feedback from employees, and assessing the effectiveness of training modules enable franchise owners to make informed decisions on refining the training approach. This iterative process ensures that as the business expands, training programs evolve in tandem, aligning with the brand's vision and goals.  

Scaling a QSR franchise successfully requires a proactive and adaptable training strategy. By leveraging technology and maintaining a commitment to consistent quality, franchises can ensure that their training programs effectively grow alongside the business.


5. Customizability According to Local Preferences

One of the defining features of the QSR industry is its ability to adapt to local tastes and preferences. Menus and services often vary based on regional differences. For instance, McDonald’s has Maharaja Mac in India, Starbucks introduced olive oil infused coffees in Italy.  

Tailoring training content to reflect these variations ensures that employees are not only knowledgeable about the standard offerings but also attuned to the specific tastes and preferences of their local community.  

Building flexibility into training programs allows for customization without compromising the overall consistency of the brand. While certain core elements remain standardized across all locations, providing flexibility in certain modules allows franchise owners to adapt training content based on local requirements. This may include variations in menu items, special promotions, or specific service expectations unique to a particular region.  

Incorporating region-specific training modules can be an effective strategy. These modules can cover local menu variations, cultural considerations, and any specific regulations or requirements that are unique to the region. By addressing these aspects in training, employees gain a deeper understanding of the local market, fostering a connection with customers and enhancing the overall dining experience.

Maintaining open lines of communication with local teams is instrumental in ensuring the effectiveness of customized training. Regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and collaborative discussions allow franchise owners to stay informed about regional preferences and challenges. This two-way communication also empowers local teams to contribute insights and suggestions, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.  

Technology can play a pivotal role in customizing training content. Digital platforms that support modular training allow franchise owners to easily update and customize specific segments of the training program. This flexibility ensures that training materials can be adapted swiftly to accommodate changes in local preferences or menu offerings.  

Customizability in training not only meets the unique needs of different regions but also strengthens the connection between the franchise and its local communities. By empowering employees with the knowledge and skills to cater to local preferences, QSR franchises can create a more personalized and memorable dining experience for customers.

6. Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement

Feedback is a powerful tool for gauging the effectiveness of training programs. Implementing structured feedback mechanisms allows employees to share their insights, highlight areas of strength, and pinpoint aspects that may require additional attention. Regular surveys, one-on-one feedback sessions, and anonymous suggestion boxes are effective ways to capture the diverse perspectives of the workforce.  

Employees on the frontline often provide valuable insights into the practical application of training content. Actively listening to their input regarding the effectiveness of training modules, the clarity of materials, and the relevance of content to their daily tasks is essential. This feedback not only identifies areas for improvement but also fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among employees.  

Digital training tools provide a wide array of automated data, analytics and insights on training. Analyzing feedback, assessing performance metrics, and staying attuned to industry trends enable franchise owners to identify areas of improvement such as updating specific modules, enhancing the delivery methods, or incorporating new technologies to address emerging needs.

Fostering a culture of learning is integral to the success of continuous improvement initiatives. When employees understand that their feedback contributes to positive changes in training, they are more likely to actively engage in the learning process. Recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements further reinforces the importance of ongoing education within the QSR franchise.



7. Compliance and Regulatory Considerations

Compliance with local, state, and federal regulations is non-negotiable for QSR franchises. From food safety standards to employee health and safety guidelines, training programs must comprehensively cover the legal requirements that govern the industry. Ensuring that employees are well-versed in these regulations not only protects the franchise from legal repercussions but also establishes a commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.  

Health and safety standards are another paramount in the QSR industry, where the handling of food products and interactions with customers are inherent to daily operations. Training programs must cover hygiene practices, food handling procedures, and emergency protocols. Regular updates on health and safety standards, including changes in regulations or best practices, should be communicated promptly to all employees.

The regulatory landscape for QSRs is subject to change, with updates occurring in response to emerging issues, technological advancements, or shifts in consumer expectations. Franchise owners must establish mechanisms to stay informed about industry regulations. This may involve partnering with regulatory compliance experts, subscribing to industry publications, and participating in relevant forums to stay abreast of changes that may impact training content.  

Dedicated compliance training modules should be integrated into the overall training program. These modules should cover key areas such as food safety, sanitation, and employee rights. This is why spoon.tech has premade ready-to-use modules that are generally applicable for all restaurants.  

Regular audits and assessments are critical for verifying that compliance standards are consistently met across all locations. This involves not only evaluating employee knowledge but also assessing the implementation of compliance measures in daily operations. Compliance audits provide valuable feedback for refining training programs, addressing specific challenges, and reinforcing the importance of adherence to regulatory standards.  


In the ever-evolving landscape of Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs), the success of a franchise hinges not only on the speed of service but also on the effectiveness of employee training programs. As we've explored in this comprehensive guide, navigating the nuances of the QSR industry requires a multifaceted approach to training that addresses the unique challenges faced by franchises.  

From ensuring consistency across locations to adapting to a high turnover rate and the rapid evolution of the business environment, each consideration plays a crucial role in shaping a robust training strategy. Successful employee training in QSR franchises is an ongoing journey marked by adaptability, innovation, and a commitment to excellence. As the industry continues to evolve, those franchises that invest in comprehensive and dynamic training programs will not only meet the demands of the present but will also be well-positioned to thrive in the future. The success of a QSR franchise is not just about serving food quickly; it's about empowering employees with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability to create memorable dining experiences that keep customers coming back for more.


If you run a QSR franchise and found that blog helpful, get in touch with spoon.tech by filling out this contact form. You can also e-mail us at hello@spoon.tech and call/text us at +43 670 655 56 82.

Daniil Klubov Founder & Ceo of spoon.tech
Audri Adhyas Paul

Hi, I'm Audri, a Master's student in Digital Economy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, and an enthusiast of the food and hospitality sector. Digital transformation in the hospitality sector is an intersection of my practice and passion, and I love to write on that topic. Let's connect on LinkedIn to chat more!

Audri Adhyas Paul

Hi, I'm Audri, a Master's student in Digital Economy at Vienna University of Economics and Business, and an enthusiast of the food and hospitality sector. Digital transformation in the hospitality sector is an intersection of my practice and passion, and I love to write on that topic. Let's connect on LinkedIn to chat more!

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